======== Examples ======== Dive-in example. .. code-block:: python import asyncio from glQiwiApi import YooMoneyAPI TOKEN = 'your token' async def main(): async with YooMoneyAPI(api_access_token=TOKEN) as w: print(await w.transactions(records=50)) asyncio.run(main()) Creating pay form. .. tip:: This method is extremely weightless, cause it doesn't send any request. .. code-block:: python from glQiwiApi import YooMoneyAPI TOKEN = 'your token' link = YooMoneyAPI.create_pay_form( receiver="4100116602400968", quick_pay_form="donate", targets="donation", payment_type="PC", amount=50 ) print(link) Send money to another wallet and checking this transaction .. code-block:: python import asyncio from glQiwiApi import YooMoneyAPI TOKEN = 'your_token' async def main(): w = YooMoneyAPI(TOKEN) async with w: # So you can send funds to another account, in the example this is a transfer to account 4100116602400968 # worth 2 rubles with the comment "I LOVE glQiwiApi" payment = await w.send( to_account='4100116602400968', comment='I LOVE glQiwiApi', amount=2 ) # This way you can check the transaction, whether it was received by the person on the account print(await w.check_transaction(amount=2, comment='I LOVE glQiwiApi', operation_type='out')) asyncio.run(main()) Fetch account info. .. code-block:: python import asyncio from glQiwiApi import YooMoneyAPI TOKEN = 'your_token' async def main(): w = YooMoneyAPI(TOKEN) async with w: # This gives you account information as AccountInfo pydantic model. get_account_info = await w.retrieve_account_info() print(get_account_info.account_status) print(get_account_info.balance) asyncio.run(main())