Source code for glQiwiApi.qiwi.clients.wallet.types.webhooks

import base64
import enum
import hashlib
import hmac
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, cast

from pydantic import Field, root_validator

from glQiwiApi.types.amount import HashableSum
from glQiwiApi.types.base import Base, HashableBase
from glQiwiApi.types.exceptions import WebhookSignatureUnverifiedError

class WebhookPayment(HashableBase):
    """Scheme of webhook payment object"""

    account: str = Field(..., alias='account')
    comment: str = Field(..., alias='comment')
    date: datetime = Field(..., alias='date')
    error_code: str = Field(..., alias='errorCode')
    person_id: int = Field(..., alias='personId')
    provider: int = Field(..., alias='provider')
    sign_fields: str = Field(..., alias='signFields')
    status: str = Field(..., alias='status')
    txn_id: str = Field(..., alias='txnId')
    type: str = Field(..., alias='type')
    commission: Optional[HashableSum] = Field(default=None, alias='calc_commission')
    sum: HashableSum = Field(..., alias='sum')
    total: HashableSum = Field(..., alias='total')

[docs]class TransactionWebhook(HashableBase): """Object: TransactionWebhook""" hash: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias='hash') id: str = Field(..., alias='hookId') message_id: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias='messageId') is_experimental: bool = Field(..., alias='test') version: str = Field(..., alias='version') payment: Optional[WebhookPayment] = Field(default=None, alias='payment') signature: Optional[str] = None """ NOT API field, it's generating by method `_webhook_signature_collector` Don't rely on it, if you want to use signature, generate new one using the same logic as in validator """ def verify_signature(self, webhook_base64_key: str) -> None: if self.signature is None: raise WebhookSignatureUnverifiedError('Signature attribute is None') webhook_key = base64.b64decode(bytes(webhook_base64_key, 'utf-8')) generated_hash = webhook_key, self.signature.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256 ).hexdigest() if generated_hash != self.hash: raise WebhookSignatureUnverifiedError() @root_validator(pre=True) def _webhook_signature_collector(cls, values: Dict[Any, Any]) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ Get webhook signature to confirm it with hash by base64 encoded key. payment.signFields is string. e.g. "sum.currency,sum.amount,type,account,txnId". So, this string disassembled piece by piece recursively, because each of signField part, that separated by comma can be nested by "." @param values: @return: """ payment = cast(Optional[Dict[Any, Any]], values.get('payment')) if payment is None: return values sign_fields = payment.get('signFields') if sign_fields is None: raise ValueError('Cannot generate signature, sign fields is empty') sign_fields_list = cast(str, sign_fields).split(',') webhook_signature = '|'.join( str(_get_sign_field(payment, sign_field.split('.'))) for sign_field in sign_fields_list ) values.update(signature=webhook_signature) return values
def _get_sign_field(dictionary: Dict[Any, Any], nested_keys_list: List[str]) -> Any: """ Recursively iter for nested_keys_list and get nested element. For example, imagine that we have list(nested_keys_list) like ["x", "y", "z"], x and y is a dictionaries and z is our desired value. So, it's not trivial task without recursion. Also, imagine that our nested dict(dictionary) is {"x": {"y": "some_value"}} or {"x": {"y": {"z": "some_value"}}}. So, in first example z is already value, in second z is a dict with the desired value and with this help function we can process both of this cases. @param dictionary: @param nested_keys_list: @return: """ current = dictionary.get(nested_keys_list.pop(0)) if isinstance(current, dict): return _get_sign_field(current, nested_keys_list) else: return current class HookParameters(Base): url: str class WebhookTransactionType(str, enum.Enum): IN = 'IN' OUT = 'OUT' BOTH = 'BOTH' class WebhookInfo(Base): id: str = Field(..., alias='hookId') type: str = Field(..., alias='hookType') txn_type: WebhookTransactionType = Field(..., alias='txnType') hook_parameters: HookParameters = Field(..., alias='hookParameters') __all__ = ('WebhookInfo', 'TransactionWebhook', 'WebhookPayment')